13-B-10 Cackling Goose
3-B-2021 Tennessee Warbler
26-B-10 Snowy Plover


The Idaho Bird Records Committee

The IBRC’s purpose is to increase the knowledge and understanding of the birds of Idaho, by providing an officially validated and accurate data source of bird distribution and patterns of avian vagrancy in Idaho.

Committee functions include:

  • Evaluate reports of rare or unusual bird sightings in Idaho.
  • Permanently maintain, for future reference, all original submitted bird reports and subsequent Committee comments and votes.
  • Establish standards of observation and reporting that will increase knowledge of birds found in Idaho.
  • Provide a means by which sight reports can gain universal acceptance as valuable scientific data.
  • Publish and maintain an official Checklist of Idaho Birds and an official List of Idaho Review Species.

IBRC Resources

Checklist of Idaho Birds:

Download: Checklist of Idaho Birds
View the Checklist Online

Review Species:

List of Idaho Review Species
Find out if you should submit a Rare Bird Report for a sighting.
View or download the list, which also includes all species documented to have occurred in the state.

Searchable Databases:

IBRC Rare Bird Reports
Search Rare Bird Reports and view the documentation for records evaluated by the Idaho Bird Records Committee.

Sturts Idaho Bird Records Database
Comprehensive Idaho bird sightings database. Includes reports and distributional records that formed the basis of the book, Idaho Bird Distribution, by Stephens and Sturts (1998), historical records from Birds of Idaho by Burleigh (1972), various publications and surveys, museum collections, and many other sources of sightings and records in the state.

Committee Members

Chuck Trost, Pocatello, ID

Shirley Sturts, Coeur d’Alene email

Jay Carlisle, Boise
Darren Clark, Rexburg
Carl Lundblad, Moscow
Dave Trochlell, LaGrande, OR
Cliff Weisse, Island Park
Doug Ward, Coeur d’Alene

Alternate Members:
Lisa Hardy, Kellogg
Jonathan Isacoff, Spokane, WA
Steve Butterworth, Idaho Falls
Heidi Ware-Carlisle, Boise