12-B-2015 Harlequin Duck
40-B-08 Gyrfalcon
1-A-13 Chimney Swift

Additional Species Reported

Species Not Currently on the Checklist of Idaho Birds:
Not accepted by the Committee, or votes may be pending.

χNot accepted by IBRC
»Under Review by IBRC
Observer who submitted documentation to IBRC
Voting: Accept - Not Accept
Example: Voting: 0-7

Barnacle Goose (Branta leucopsis) This species is not on the official Idaho Checklist, as questions of origin abound for these geese observed outside the Northeastern USA. Indeed, there are no accepted records of this species in this part of the country. Barnacle Geese sighted in Idaho are best treated as escaped birds until compelling evidence suggests otherwise.

  1. χOctober 2003 - Lewiston Levee Ponds along the Snake River, Nez Perce County - Keith Carlson - Photo by K. Carlson (on IdahoBirds.net photo gallery) Rare Bird Report #:6-A-03 Voting: 1-6 1st Round Voting: 0-7 2nd Round

Mute Swan (Cygnus olor) Requests on "Review List" for breeding records only. This species is not on the Idaho Checklist. At this time, Mute Swan is considered an escaped or released bird in Idaho.

  1. 16 December 1995 - (2) - CBC Hagerman Valley, Gooding County, Latilong 25 - AFN50(4):770 96th CBC (1995-1996)
  2. 21 December 1996 - (2) - CBC Hagerman Valley, Gooding County, Latilong 25- AFN5194):558 97TH CBC (1996-1997)
  3. 30 December 1998 - CBC Rexburg, Madison County, Latilong 22 - AB 99th CBC (1998-1999)
  4. χ30 December 1998 - 2 January 1999 (2 adults, 2 cygnets) - Teton River, Teton County, Latilong 22 - Debra Patla+; AB 99TH CBC (1998-1999) Rare Bird Report #: 5-A-98 Voting: 1-5
  5. 18-20 March 2000 - Camas NWR, Jefferson County, Latilong 21 - David and Elise Faike - NAB54(3):304
  6. »17 September 2000 - (many) - Clear Lake, Gooding County, Latilong 25 - reported by Kent Fothergill Rare Bird Report #: 14-B-00 (not voting on this species at present)
  7. 30 December 2000 - (2) CBC Hagerman Valley, Gooding County, Latilong 25 - AB 101st CBC (2000-2001)
  8. 5 January 2002 - CBC Teton Valley, Teton County, Latilong 22 - Birdsource 102nd CBC (2001-2002
  9. 9 January 2002 - Hagerman Valley, Gooding County, Latilong 25 - Kent Fothergill - Latilong Status Change Report
  10. 9 December 2002 - 14 February 2003 - Clear Lake, Gooding County, Latilong 25 - Kent Fothergill - Latilong Status Change Report
  11. 14 December 2002 - 16 February 2003 - Hagerman WMA, Gooding County, Latilong 25 - Birdsource 103rd CBC; Kent Fothergill - Latilong Status Change Report
  12. 24 December 2002 - 17 February 2003 - Hagerman Valley, Gooding County, Latilong 25 - Kent Fothergill - Latilong Status Change Report
  13. »4 December 2004 - 2 adults, 2 1st winter juveniles) - Riley Creek Pond, Hagerman WMA, Gooding County, Latilong 25 - Harry Krueger - thought to be breeding at this location - IBLE Rare Bird Report #: 18-B-04 (not voting on this species at present)
  14. »9 December 2009 - 2 adults - Boise River at Eagle - Arthur Robertson Rare Bird Report 4-B-10 (not voting on this species at present)
  15. »14 January2011 - 1 - Julia Davis Park, Boise, Ada County, Latilong 17 - Kristin. Araki+. J. Araki Rare Bird Report 5-B-11
  16. 9 May 2011 - 1 adult on nest with 3 cygnets - Boise River Greenbelt , Bethine Church section, Ada County, Latilong 17 - Tad Blank (with photo on nest and cygnets) - IBLE

Ruddy Shelduck (Tadorna ferruginea) This species is not on the official bird checklist for North America, not to mention Idaho. This duck is commonly kept in captivity and esapees abound. At this time, this species is considered being either an escaped or released bird in Idaho.

  1. χ1993 (report date)
    Rare Bird Report #: 8-A-93
    Voting: 0-6

Red-legged Partridge (Alectoris rufa)

  1. χ1993 (report date) -
    Rare Bird Report #: 8-A-93
    Voting: 0-6

Greater Roadrunner (Geococcyx californianus)

  1. χ29 July, 2016 - (1) – Challis area, Custer County, Latilong 13 – Jed Barton
    Rare Bird Report #:1-A-2016
    Voting: 0-7

Common Crane (Grus grus)

  1. »18 November 2020 - 1 - southeast of Fairfield on private property, Camas County, Latilong 19 - Carter Strope, Bob Davis - and many observers including, Darren Clark, Cliff Weisse, Steve Butterworth - photos 
    Rare Bird report #:2-A-2020

Whooping Crane (Grus americana)
The committee is not voting on this species at this time.

Hooded Crane (Grus monacha)

  1. χ25 April 2011 - Just east of Carey, across from entrance to Carey Lake, Blaine County, Latilong 20 - 1st observers Jean Seymour and Judy Foster, others Poo Wright-Pulliam+ , Kathleen Cameron, Cliff Weisse, Jay Carlisle and many observers
    Rare Bird Report #: 1-A-11
    Voting: 3-4 1st Round
    Voting: 2-5 2nd Round

Gull-billed Tern (Gelochelidon nilotica)

  1. χ30 June 2020 - 1 - McTucker Island, upstream from American Falls Reservoir, Bingham County, Latilong 21 - Jay Carlisle 
    Rare Bird Report #:1-A-2020
    Voting: 0-7

Red-faced Cormorant (Phalacrocorax urile)

  1. χ25 May 2000 - Thompson Lake, Kootenai County - description good - far out of range and habitat - lacks photographic evidence and additional observers
    Rare Bird Report #: 1-A-00
    Voting: 0-6

Black Vulture (Coragyps atratus)

  1. χ29 May 1988 - (1) - Salmon, Lemhi County, Latilong 10- C.R. Wenger and Richard Smith
    Rare Bird Report #:9-A-88
    Voting: 2-4
  2. χ23 September 2012 - 1 - Elmore County on a hill between hwy. 20 and I-84 in the Bennet Mountains - Jeff Napton
    Rare Bird Report #:70-B-12
    Voting: 0-7

Harris's Hawk (Parabuteo unicuntus)

  1. χ11 and 13 June 2001 - Tammany Creek south of Lewiston, Nez Perce County, Latilong 4 - Keith E. Carlson+ Winifred Hepburn+, Marilyn Smith, Carole Vande Vorde, Kas Dumroese, Marilyn Carlson
    Rare Bird Report #: 4-A-01
    Voting: 3-3 (1st round)

Green Kingfisher (Chloroceryle americana)

  1. χ24 May 2012- 1 - Nampa. Canyou County, Latilong 17 - Joanne Smith -
    Rare Bird Report #:2-A-12
    Voting 0-7

Rose-ringed Parakeet (Psittacula krameri)

  1. χ29 September 2017- 1 pair - Pocatello, Bannock County, Latilong 27 - Allison Jorgenson - in her yard off and on for the past 3 months Rare Bird Report #:40-B-2017
    Voting 0-7

Rose-throated Becard (Pachramplus aglaiae)

  1. χ5 July 2012- Rock Creek Road south of Hansen, Twin Falls and Cassia Counties, Latilong 25 - Richard Cummings
    Rare Bird Report #: 3-A-12
    Voting: 0-7

Acadian Flycatcher (Empidonax virescens)

  1. »13 July 2019 -  1 plus 3 hatchlings - 8 miles south of Coeur d'Alene on the east edge if Mica Flats, Kootenai County, Latilong 2 - Joseph Johns and Diana Johns 
    Rare Bird Report #:1-A-2019

Yellow-billed Magpie (Pica nuttalli)

  1. χ22 September 1988 - Along the Spokane River, 3 1/2 miles west of Coeur d'Alene, Kootenai County, Latilong 2 - Richard and Elva Beeks
    Rare Bird Report #: 12-A-88
    Voting: 2-4 not accept
  2. 24 July 1987 - Boise, Ada County, Latilong 17 - Rustay, Christopher - Letter from Rustay to Thomas Rogers 11 August 1987

Eyebrowed Thrush (Turdus obscurus)

  1. χTurdus obscurus- Dry Creek Canyon east of Twin Falls, Jerome County, Latilong 25 - Jim Dutcher, Patty Provonska, Jake Provonska, Peter Buicca
    Rare Bird Report #: 14-A-88
    Voting: 0-6
  2. χ29 August 1991 - Moscow, Latah County, Latilong 4 - Dale Goble, Carol Goble, Camas Goble - Annual Narrative Report 1963
    Rare Bird Report #: 3-A-91
    Voting: 2-4

European Goldfinch (Carduelis carduelis)

  1. χ18 November 2013 - 1 male - Tendoy, lAgency Creek. 6 Chief Tendoy Road. Feeder Lemhi County, Latilong 18 - Jack+ and Lisa Whitman
    Rare Bird Report #3-A-13
    Voting: 1-6 1st round
    Voting: 0-7 2nd round (natural occurrence questionable)

Smith's Longspur (Calcarius pictus)

  1. χ14 November 1985- Michaud Flats, Power County, Latilong 27 - Cheryl Webb and Charles Trost - AB40(1)145
    Rare Bird Report #: 2-A-85
    Voting: 2-4
  2. χ7 September 2008 - Twin Lake, Blaine County, Latilong 19 - Lila Tauzer+, Harry Krueger(email)
    Rare Bird Report #: 2-A-08
    Voting: 0-7

Field Sparrow (Spizella pusilla)

  1. χ29 November 2020 - 3 - Curlew National Grasslands, Oneida County, Latilong 27 - 
    Rebecca Jones, also Martha Garlick 
    Rare Bird Report #:3-A-2020
    Voting: 0-7

Tricolored Blackbird (Agelaius tricolor)

  1. χ13-16 January 2007 - Pearl, Gem County - Michael Wiegand, (photographs)
    Rare Bird Report #: 1-A-07
    Voting: 2-5 1st Round
    Voting: 0-7 2nd Round
  2. χ16 May 2011 - 5 males 2 females - Mann Lake, Nez Perce County, Latilong 4 - Terry Gray - photos taken
    Rare Bird Report #:28-A-11
    Voting: 2-5 1st Round
    Voting: 0-7 2nd Round

Bronzed Cowbird (Molothrus aeneus)

  1. »1-2 September, 1978 – 1 -  Tio Ave. entrance/east dike road at Lake Lowell, Canyon County, Latilong 17 – Daniel Taylor also Dr. S.C. Taylor the  next day
    Rare Bird Report #:1-A-2021

Kentucky Warbler (Oporornis formosus)

  1. χ18 September 2003 - Lewiston Wildlife Habitat area, Nez Perce County, Latilong 24 - Dwight Kilgore
    Rare Bird Report #: 4-A-03
    Voting: 2-5 1st Round
    Voting: 2-5 2nd Round

Northern Cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis)

  1. χ5 January 1997 - adult male - Lewiston, Nez Perce County, latilong 4 - Dan Svingen
    Rare Bird Report #: 1-A-97
    Voting: 2-4 (natural occurrence questionable)